Allergy & Intolerance Testing
- Tests for IgG reactions to just over 100 food and drink ingredients.
- Measures all four subtypes of food specific IGG
- Simple finger prick blood test
- Results listed in easy-to-read traffic light values : high , borderline, and normal activity.
- Must be 2 years old or above to take the test.
- Common symptoms would be Digestive, Skin , Headaches ,Fatigue , Joint pains, Weight management.
- Symptoms are generally a delayed reaction; reactions can show up to 72 hours later.
- Tests for 200+ food & drink ingredients (key individual ingredients, Grains, Dairy, Meats, Fish/Shellfish, Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Herbs/Spices, Drinks.
- Measures all four subtypes of food specific IGG
- Simple finger prick blood test
- Results listed in easy-to-read traffic light values : high , borderline, and normal activity.
- Must be 2 years old or over to take the test.
- Test is not suitable if the customer is pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Common symptoms would be Digestive, Skin, Headaches, Fatigue, Joint pains, Weight management.
- Symptoms are generally a delayed reaction; reactions can show up to 72 hours later.
- Tests for 23 foods & 19 environmental allergens (Foods: Egg white, milk, cod, salmon, shrimp, crab, wheat, meats, potato, almond, soy, hazelnut, peanut, rice, tomato, strawberry, carrot, orange, apple & peach – Environmental: Birch, Cypress Olive, Hazelnut Pollen, European Ash, Bermuda grass, Mug wort, English plantain, Cat, Horse, & Dog dander, House dust mites, Cockroach * Cladosporium herbarum)
- Must be 4 years old or over to take the test.
- Test is not suitable if the customer is pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Tests for ongoing allergies – not diagnostic sign posting.
- Reactions will only show up on the test if you have been exposed to the particular allergen (likely in the last couple of weeks)
- Common symptoms would be itching or tingling in the mouth, Swelling of the lips/tongue/face, Wheezing, Nausea, Hives, Fainting, difficulty swallowing or going into Anaphylaxis shock.